Vince Clarke: New Erasure, VCMG & Solo LP

Synth master Vince Clarke has revealed to the Quietus that there will be a new Erasure album coming soon. Never one to rest on his laurels, he also said that he would be releasing a dance album with multiple DJ/producer collaborators as well.

Speaking during an interview about The Clarke And Ware Experiment box set, The House Of Illustrious which will be published later today, he said he couldn’t reveal who any of the collaborators were as negotiations were still ongoing but that the "dance album" would be out this year.

You’re always a busy man Vince, you’re always up to stuff… what can we expect from you in 2013?

Vince Clarke: Well, I’m getting together with Andy [Bell] soon and starting on the next Erasure album and I’m starting on an electronic dance record.

An electronic dance record?

VC: Yeah, it’s going to be an album where I collaborate with a few DJs and dance guys, I can’t say who they are yet as it’s still under negotiation. [laughs]

Were you pleased with the response to VCMG’s SSSS? It took a lot of people by surprise I think…

VC: I was really pleased with the reception it got, it was great. I was more pleased with the fact that it was something he agreed to do in the first place. I hadn’t worked with Martin [Gore, Depeche Mode] for some time and I think we really tuned into some of the same ideas and it was a real pleasure to do, no pressure. It was very cool.

Is it something you’d do again?

VC: Yeah, absolutely. I don’t think Martin will be available for the next five years because of the Depeche Mode tour but I’d definitely do it again.

In the feature Vince and creative partner Martyn Ware of Heaven 17 also revealed that they were confident a set of Erasure covers recorded by the duo with Andy Bell and a violin player in an electronic ambient style would see the light of day at some point in the near future.

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