NASA’s Golden Voyager Record Gets First Vinyl Release

Carl Sagan's 1977 compilation of music sent into space will be made available on vinyl for the first time thanks to a Kickstarter campaign

NASA’s Golden Voyager Record will be made available on vinyl for the first time after a successful crowdfunding campaign last year.

The record was made with the help of astronomer Carl Sagan in 1977 and intended as a "bottle into the cosmic ocean", compiling songs and sounds documenting humanity at that time should extra-terrestrial life ever find it.

The record features music from the likes of Louis Armstrong and Stravinsky, as well as the word ‘Hello’ in 55 different languages. There is also a collection of field recordings included on the record, aptly titled ‘The Sounds of Earth’. You can hear those above.

Copies of the record were put in both Voyager spacecrafts, but never officially released to the public until now. Light In The Attic will oversee the 40th anniversary reissue which is available in a 2xCD or 3xLP boxset. The fully remastered set also comes with a 96-page book with photographs and new liner notes from original producer Timothy Ferris.

It’s out on December 1 on CD with the vinyl releases set to follow in February via Ozma Records. Find out more here.

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