This past weekend My Bloody Valentine sauteed the ears of music geeks and tattooed hipsters at the inaugural New York All Tomorrow’s Parties. While in New York, Kevin Shields spoke about his plans for two new My Bloody Valentine albums, saying that he was returning to the aborted post-Loveless sessions for material and inspiration
"I realised that all that stuff I was doing in 1996 and 1997 was a lot better than I thought," he said. He hadn’t realised how good the material was because, "It was a very, very damaged time for everybody." Could this mean that the drum & bass direction Shields was supposedly pursuing in the mid-nineties will actually see the light of day? There’s an interesting article about how the drum & bass "melted" MBV over on the To Hear Knows When site.
Anyway, Shields has promised one album of 1990s based work, plus another record of entirely new material. Release date as yet unconfirmed.