Metamono Running Kickstarter Bid For LP

Analogue maestros seeking funding for With The Compliments Of Nuclear Physics

Friends of the Quietus Metamono need your help to fund their debut LP, With The Compliments Of Nuclear Physics, via crowdfunding website Kickstarter.

If you haven’t already read the trio of mad professors’ (Jono Podmore, Paul Conboy and Mark Hill) manifesto, a set of rules both restraining and aimed at liberating their imagination, do so at their website post haste and have a read of our interview with the group.

As well as a video about the campaign, which you can watch below, they’ve also given us a preview of album cut ‘Linger Langour’:

They need £2,500, mainly for the vinyl pressing costs, and are welcoming any amount you can give ahead of the deadline of July 20, by which time they’ll need to have reached their target or they’ll get nothing.

There are a whole rafter of rewards for pledgers, with copies of the album ranging from digital, cassette, vinyl or reel-to-reel, available at different price points. From £40 onwards, you’ll get the deluxe album version, where each cover will be a unique work of art designed by Hill, while the £150 pledgers will get to visit the Instrumentarium, where the band create their sound.

Head over to their <a href="

" target="out">Kickstarter page now to get pledging.

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