May The Fourth Be With You: YouTube Playlist

Prepare for cosmosis tonight at The Lex with this handy YouTube playlist of close encounter funk, disco and electro

TONIGHT! TONIGHT! TONIGHT! DJs Mat Colegate (Teeth Of The Sea/Cosmic & E Beat) and John Doran (Big Sexy Land/Oh The Gilt) are celebrating Star Wars day with a sci-fi themed disco at The Lexington in London.

Come and celebrate the bank holiday weekend at May The Fourth Be With You and make like Leonard Rossiter huffing loads of poppers and DMT on the International Space Station in 2001: A Space Odessy after they find a giant black oblong on the moon.

We’re starting at 11am and finally touching down at 4am. The Lexington can be found at 96-98 Pentonville Road, N1 9JB half way between Kings Cross and The Angel.

To get you in the mood for tonight here are some YouTube tracks:

The Osmonds – ‘I,I,I’ Todd Terje Edit

Mat says: Terje turns a Crazy Horse inside out. Results are more fun than that sounds.

John says: If I can persuade people that The Osmonds did more than one good song I’ll die a happy man… well, happy might be a bit of a stretch.

Donna Summer – ‘Now I Need You’

Mat says: S.U.M.M.E.R C.O.M.I.N.G.

John says: As Wikipedia notes: "Throughout the album, the songs tell the story of a young woman who lives in a fantasy world of make-believe in which she is seemingly trapped, but thanks to her belief in her dreams she embarks on an adventure that ends with the man she loves entering her life. The "rags to riches" story is brought into the modern day via the use of the electronic disco sound which is found constantly throughout the album. Although positive themes permeate Once Upon A Time, darker thought-provoking ones create an emotion filled artistic journey." Uncannily this was exactly how I was describing the narrative arc of Teeth Of The Sea to someone in the Mucky Pup recently.

Blacknecks – ‘To The Cosmos Let’s Go’

John says: Ridiculous banger. Paints you into a cosmic corner every single time.

Mat says: Galactus sized Discotronic devourer of worlds. We’re like ants! ANTS, I TELL YOU!

Kebekelektrik – ‘War Dance’ 12"

Mat says: A Kosmiche Robo-haka for Speedball survivors

Zombi – ‘Sapphire’

Mat says: Soaring over the landscape of a dead planet like that thin red line in the Indiana Jones movies.

John says: It’s like that dream everyone has where the Milk Tray Man is combined with C3PO.

Patrick Cowley – ‘ I Need Somebody To Love Tonight’

Mat says: Inter-species late night love strut.

Tantra – ‘A Place Called Tarot’ Idjut Boys Re-edit

Mat says: Deep and dark like a Martian hot spring.

John says: There’s even life beyond ‘The Hills Of Katmandu’

Gino Soccio – ‘Dancer’

Mat says: As twinkly as a sky full of stars and as heavy the moon’s magnetic field.

Who’s Who – ‘Hypnodance’

Mat says: The sitar playing robot caterpillar looks up from his hookah and commands you to ‘Dance’.

Tom Ware – ‘Chinatown’

Mat says: Tender synthetic primitivism, hammered together with tiny mallets from the circuit boards of broken Commodore 64s.

John says: Followed home then de-fragged.

Andromeda – ‘Space Rockers’

Mat says: Costume suggestions.

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