WATCH: Martin Carr - Mainstream | The Quietus

WATCH: Martin Carr – Mainstream

Former Boo Radleys frontman debuts video for new single Mainstream, out this week and taken from recent album The Breaks

Martin Carr, yesterday’s Baker’s Dozen interviewee, has unveiled the video for single ‘Mainstream’, from last month’s The Breaks album – watch it above.

The clip sees Carr surrounded by the everyday mayhem of a curiously paper bag-headed family, shot in his own home in Cardiff. He is also planning a multimedia album/DVD project based on the history of the house, looking to track down previous occupants and chart the stories of their time living there. Of the idea, Carr says: "I’ve had sex in every room (OK, not the downstairs toilet), watched my children being born on the couch in the front room, fallen down the stairs, written songs and made records here and I’ve started to wonder about the other 108 years that this very house has stood on this very street. Have other people been born into this house? Died in the upstairs room and been laid out on the floor, here, in front of me? What did this house look like in 1918? 1946? 1982? Who chose my kitchen? Can I sue them?" He also adds that the project is "going to take some time" and that he will "probably write some songs while I’m doing it, maybe film it".

‘Mainstream’ is out this week via Tapete Records and he will also support Gruff Rhys in December for four acoustic shows in Dublin and Cardiff. You can check all the details for forthcoming shows here.

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