Madonna Blasted By PETA For Wearing Fur

She's voted worst-dressed celebrity

Animal rights organisation PETA has voted Madonna to be the worst-dressed celecrity of the year, for her continued sporting of fur garments.

"When you see Madonna in fur, you realise why nobody has copied her style since 1984," said the statement. "We know that she’s on the prowl for a young cub, but someone needs to tell Madge that wearing fur doesn’t make you a cougar."

Also blasted by PETA were Kanye West ("Kanye rants about not winning Album of the Year at the Grammy Awards, but what he really deserves is a ‘lifetime bereavement award’ for all of the corpses in his closet"), the Olsen twins ("maybe Mary Kate and Ashley think their matronly wardrobe will deflect the gossip about bulimia. Somewhere, someone is missing a matching pair of Bigfoot bobblehead dolls") and Maggie Gyllenhaal ("Maggot has gone from being lost in her brother’s shadow to being lost inside some really ugly fur coats. Where is her fashion sense? Maybe Christian Bale dropped her on her head during an action sequence in The Dark Knight")

Then followed the sermon: "Hopefully, our "Worst-Dressed" Award will wake these cold-hearted celebs up to the truth about fur. Animals on fur farms often spend their entire lives trapped in tiny wire cages. Fur farmers often use the cheapest and crudest slaughter methods available, such as breaking animals’ necks while they are fully conscious or using anal or genital electrocution."

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