Low Announce New Album

Ones and Sixes to see release this September

Low will release Ones and Sixes, their eleventh studio album, this September. Though the band proves characteristically reluctant to discuss the meaning behind their latest long runner, Alan Sparhawk had this to offer regarding the conditions surrounding the record’s inception: "We tracked under the soft glow of laser discs playing lost classics like Point Break and Speed." Huh. I wonder if this new one will be good for soundtracking skydiving montages and/or committing surfboard suicide. Let’s have a listen to the new single above.

I guess not. "No Comprende" continues these Minnesotans’ reputation for making music that’s "glacial," "frigid," "stoic," and every other adjective journalists like to use when writing about music from the States’ coldest state. Will we be seeing Low live any time soon? Sure, you betcha. The band expect to embark on a world tour just as soon as enough snow melts in Eau Claire and they can make their escape via toboggan from Justin Vernon’s studio. Look for those dates here. Ones and Sixes will be available September 11 courtesy of Sub Pop.

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