LISTEN: New The Dwarfs Of East Agouza Album

Trio stream new album in full ahead of release; listen exclusively below

The Dwarfs of East Agouza, a trio hailing from Cairo, are currently gearing up for the release of their debut album in the form of Bes, and you can now stream it in full above via tQ.

Having formed in 2012 while living in the same apartment building in Cairo’s Agouza district, the trio soon set out on crafting their sound built on instrumental improvisational loops of percussion as well as taking influence from Krautrock and free jazz among other sounds. Jamming late into the night, the band begun laying down hours worth of recorded material in April 21014 over the course of a three-day studio run. That has now been hammered into shape to create Bes, their debut album. Check it out above and buy it here.

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