The seventh instalment from Broken20’s li_series, which involves collaborations between sound artists and writers, comes via the sounds of Graham Dunning and the text of label head Ruaridh Law, and you can check it out above.
This latest edition in the series features Graham Dunning’s ‘Aggregate’. The series asks for work to be made in response to a kind of manifesto of ‘Line noise, entropy, buzz and hum’ and this is what Dunning responds to with his piece, using record static from an old shellac 78” in combination with live dubbed spatial effects. Stannard’s written piece provides a new framing for Dunning’s audio, giving it a new way of being appreciated – both as separate works and as one whole.
Back in 2013, tQ interviewed the Broken20 label owner TVO, which you can read here. You can purchase the new release here.