Listen to lead track 'BUTCHER OF THE WORLD' here

LINGUA IGNOTA has announced a new album, CALIGULA, to be released by Profound Lore on July 19. You can listen to the lead track ‘BUTCHER OF THE WORLD’ above.

Kristin Hayter follows up two self-released albums from 2017 (Let The Evil Of His Own Lips Cover Him and All Bitches Die) with another foray into her own sound composed from noise, black metal, modern composition and opera (although with less of an industrial influence than early work). It’s a dizzying and pulverising assault that bears some of the same hallmarks as such tQ favourites as Gnaw Their Tongues and The Body.

The album features more live instrumentation from a band of collaborators that includes Sam McKinlay (THE RITA), drummer Lee Buford (The Body) and percussionist Ted Byrnes (Cackle Car, Wood & Metal), with guest vocals from Dylan Walker (Full of Hell), Mike Berdan (Uniform), and Noraa Kaplan (Visibilities).

CALIGULA can be pre-ordered here

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