Based on Gilles Perault’s spy novel and directed by Michel Deville (who co-wrote its screenplay with the author), Le Dossier 51 charts a secret service-type organization’s attempt to pressurise a minor French diplomat into working for them, by gathering personal ‘evidence’ against him. What sets this 1978 movie apart from other conspiracy thrillers is that the point of view presented largely comprises the multimedia data file assembled by said foreign intelligence agency: wiretap recordings, written memos, surveillance footage, oral reports, administrative notes, etc.
Hosted by The Stanley Schtinter Picture Show at London’s Horse Hospital this evening, the main feature will be preceded by Raoul Ruiz’s celebrated 1977 short film Colloque de chiens (Dogs’ Dialogue). The event starts at 7.30pm and tickets are a mere £5 advance (£6.50 on the door); more information can be found here.