James Murphy Blogs MTV Awards

LCD man talks ligging

James Murphy has posted an amusing mySpace blog about his experiences at this weekend’s MTV Movie Awards in LA.

In the post, there’s a load of emo stuff about the trials of making a record, the joy of swimming and LA life, before Murphy explains the things he learned about hanging out in a place full of movie stars. If, in certain London and US coastal nightspots, Murphy might be given with a handful of drinks tokens and admiring glances from 20-somethings, he’s back down at the bottom of the pecking order with the rest of us when it comes to LA glamour.

Here, he explains why:

1: Will Ferrell is very nice in person, and must be exhausted with how much effort he puts in to seeming like a decent, regular guy. I met him very quickly and he was so absurdly nice that I felt like a dick for all the times I was wooden and awkward with strangers at a festival or something.

2: Danny Mcbride is fucking hilarious. And pretty much like you expect.

3: Eminem is a better actor than you think.

4: PR people and "young Hollywood" seem like, literally, different species of animal.

5: Young, self-satisfied, confident celebrites are weird to be near.

6: The more excited young people are about an actor/actress, the less likely i am to recognize them. There is an inverse relationship formula for volume-of-screaming to person-I-recognize that I’m working on.

7: Hason ‘Mayhem’ Miller has a very large head. And that’s coming from ME.

8: Talking for two minutes with Ben Stiller about something totally unrelated to the MTV Movie Awards while at the MTV Movie Awards makes people audibly say "who is that talking to Stiller??" in total, unselfconscious earshot of the subject (me) while said subject (still me) walks back to the bar area. They’ll actually point.

8b: Being at an event thrown by a company called "music television" pretty much ensures that you will not be recognized by anyone at all except for the people you show up with, previously know, and Danny McBride.

9: Comedians are funny in person, but not the way you think.

10: Hollywood likes to stratify, and being the +1 of a TV personality makes you pretty low on the list, but if you’ve just said ‘hi’ to Will Ferrell, and he looked at you in some way that could be interpreted as "familiar" – largely because he’s kind, and you blurted something about him using ‘North American Scum’ in Stepbrothers – you can basically walk into any room you want and take beer for the next five minutes. It’s like getting an invincibility pill in Pac-Man. You can feel the power start to blink after you cruise out with four beers from the 3rd dressing room, so you should probably head back to your friends and share the beers.

11: Chris Isaacs likes his dog.

12: Forest Whittaker is disarmingly friendly.

13: I, as a person, am oddly frightened (I’m saying frightened here – not intimidated) by Jim Carey.

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