Lambchop To Open Incubate 2013

Band to collaborate with Dutch visual artist for first set of this year's event

Incubate have announced that Nashville luminaries Lambchop will be opening up this year’s festival with a set at Theaters Tilburg’s Schouwburg Hall in Tilburg, The Netherlands on September 16.

For the show, the band will collaborate with Dutch VJ Michelle van Mil, who will accompany the band’s performance by projecting videos onto 13 separate screens. Says Incubate curator Peter Meeuwsen: "It’s an incredible honour to welcome Lambchop to Incubate, one of my favourite artists. Responsible for more than a dozen records, they never failed to impress me. Starting as ‘Nashville’s most fucked up country band’ in the early nineties, Lambchop kept changing and shaping their sound with every record, with Kurt Wagner’s warm voice being the only constant of the band. The beautifully arranged chamber pop of today’s Lambchop seems to be tailor-made for a venue like Theaters Tilburg’s Schouwburg Hall.”

The news follows recent line-up announcements of Girl Band, Masta Ace and more; for the full bill and tickets, head over to Incubate’s website.

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