WATCH: Koreless, Ghostpoet, Alex Turvey

Watch a clip of their live collaboration at Oval Space

Last week, Koreless, Ghostpoet and film director Alex Turvey played a one-off show at Oval Space in London. Titled A Journey To A Modern Frontier, it drew on recordings they’d made in Snowdonia as a response to Levi’s’ question "what moves you?" Here, during the load-in for the show, the trio reflect on the process of realising the task, bringing together Turvey’s visuals with sonic input from Koreless and Ghostpoet.

Talking about making their field recordings in North Wales, Turvey says: "It’s a place that I’ve always wanted to shoot, so I said, ‘hey, well let’s just go there and pick up sounds and images and moments and bring them back to the city and see what we can do. When I was asked by Levi’s what moves me, for me it’s always been nature and that’s really what I don’t have very much of in my life at the moment."

Have a watch of the video above, with the making of film and the piece itself below:

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