Holy Other Details First New Album In Nine Years, ‘Lieve’

The UK producer has also unveiled a video for the album's title track

Holy Other has shared his first new music since 2012.

‘Lieve’, which you can watch a video for above, is the title track from the UK producer’s first album in nine years, which will be released via his own label. A press release describes it as "an album about L(i)eaving, coming to terms with the past, and trying to live in the present."

Holy Other recorded Lieve throughout 2020, using the acoustics of Bidston Observatory on the Wirral, a space made from wooden domes, in the process. The album includes vocals from NYX’s Sian O’Gorman, as well as violin from Simmy Singh and saxophone from Daniel Thorne.

Ç will release Lieve on November 19, 2021.

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