Hannah Peel At Shoreditch Church Next Month

Musician explores impact of dementia in London show next month

Curated by Vine Collective, in association with Alzheimer’s Research UK, songwriter Hannah Peel has brought together a line-up of other artists who have incorporated the impact of dementia and memory loss into their own work.

This November 24th performance includes film screenings from both Lavinia Greenlaw and Shelly Love. Earlier this year, Hannah Peel released Awake But Always Dreaming, an album that is both inspired by and in memory of her grandmother, who she lost gradually to dementia. This live performance that she presents here interprets the effects and experience of the neurological illness, creating a “rabbit warren” in which to explore and challenge our familiar perceptions of memory and consciousness.

In an interview with tQ last month, Peel described the important role that music had on her grandmother’s ability to recollect: “I watched my dad sing Christmas carols to her, when she didn’t know who anyone was or what day it was, but as we left she said ‘Happy Christmas’.”

Hannah Peel’s project takes place in St Leonard’s Church, Shoreditch, which plays host to other arts events and a gallery. You can get tickets here.

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