GNOD Turn Ten With Box Set

New studio material, rehearsal jams, unreleased versions, artwork and other GNODitties to raise money for Islington Mill's poorly roof. Main picture Elyssa Iona

Salford based sonic explorers GNOD mark their first decade of shining existence with the release of a box set.

The GNOD X box celebrates ten years of artistic endeavour but also aims to raise much needed funds for their home base and creative HQ, Islington Mill in Salford.

The band have lived and worked at the Mill for the last eight years and say the role the community/building has played in their development is "more than we can fully comprehend".

There are only ten copies of the recycled/ upcycled/ DIY package in existence and all of the music contained within it will never be available anywhere else. The box contains a lathe-cut vinyl album of new studio material recorded in 2016, a CDR of unreleased archive material, a CDR of a 50-minute long version of ‘Vatican’ and a cassette of rehearsal jams, not to mention several prints, stencilled cards and pieces of bespoke artwork created by members of the band, which all comes in a suitably distressed box.

To get your hands on this mouth watering box visit GNOD’s tumbler account or email There will be a review of the box set in John Doran’s next Vinyl Staircase column.

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