GALLERY: Arabrot Live In San Fran

Check pictures below from Arabrot's recent US tour stop in San Francisco. WARNING: Contains NSFW images

André Løyning is a Norwegian documentary maker who recently joined Arabrot and Ghold on their US tour, taking in the full extent of the ‘From Seattle, via Vancouver, to Portland, Sacramento and San Francisco’ leg of the tour.

The full tour of the US saw the bands clocking up a total of 10,000 miles in a van and visiting 26 states. In San Francisco, Løyning captured Arabrot in a gay bar. You can check some of his pictures below – some of which may be NSFW – and read in full his account of the tour.

"Since late June, Norwegian noise-rock band Arabrot have toured the US with the release of their new EP, You Bunch of Idiots, together with english power duo Ghold. I teamed up with the bands in Seattle, and followed them via Vancover, Canada, down the West Coast, from Portland, to Sacramento and San Francisco.

"The tour contained everything from 12 hours of driving, to sleeping in garages and playing at the hardcore gay bar SF Eagle in San Francisco, showing gay porn on screens around the room. In Sacramento we met a local radio host who had learned Norwegian names and geography, in order to understand the Norwegian metal scene. Somewhere along the way an attentive guy in the audience gave Kjetil this review: ‘You sound like Elvis on acid getting tortured’. I guess that’s an apt description.

"The tour is the band’s foray into the American scenes before the release of the band’s seventh album. I’ve been following the band since December to make a documentary about one of Norway’s most pioneering bands who are celebrating their tenth anniversary this year."

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