Discogs Shares 100 Most Expensive Records

The data covers records bought on the site in the UK and the US

Discogs has shared a list covering the 100 most expensive records bought on its site in the UK and the US.

The data used to make up the lists covers sales from 2005 until this year, and looking through both the UK and US lists, it’s immediately apparent that some records appear more than once.

For example, a 7" pressing of the Sex Pistols’ ‘God Save The Queen’ – of which only nine in total were produced – takes first and fourth place in the UK. One sold for $16,125.18 in 2018 while the other sold for $14,680.20 in 2017.

The Beatles’ highest placing is at number three in the UK thanks to a 7" promo pressing of ‘Love Me Do’ which sold for $14,845.17 in 2017. They make nine further appearances across the UK top 100.

The US list, meanwhile, is topped by Prince with a pressing of his rare Black Album selling for $15,000 in 2016. He makes four further appearances in the US top 100.

You can check Discogs’ lists in full here and here.

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