David Cameron: Shocking Music News!

Indie rock Cam connection!

Gordon Brown claiming that he liked the Arctic Monkeys turned into a spectacular gaff. Tony Blair’s time in Ugly Rumours was an embarrassment even to drivetime rock-loving fans of Top Gear. So what are we to make of Prime Minister David Cameron’s assertion that he’s a fan of Lana Del Rey? Speaking to the Sunday Telegraph the PM said he was a fan of the hyped singer, as well American ruralist rockers Band Of Horses. He added, though, that Bruno Mars and Katy Perry (who he describes as "appalling") are "beginning to infect my iPod". Anyway, could it be the case that Cameron’s closest connection with the music world comes not from Lana Del Rey, but another not-quite-as-self-sufficient-as-you’re-led-to-believe singer. The Quietus has uncovered the following photo evidence: who has ever seen Samantha Cameron and Florence Welch in the same room at the same time? We must be told.

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