Cosey Fanni Tutti To Pen Delia Derbyshire-Inspired Book

It will be published by Faber in spring 2022

Cosey Fanni Tutti is penning a new book that focuses on the life and work of Delia Derbyshire as well as 15th century mystic Margery Kempe.

"A few years ago I accepted the exciting offer to compose the soundtrack for a film on Delia Derbyshire and my subsequent research led me into territories I hadn’t anticipated, revealing unexpected connections between myself and Delia," Cosey says of the work that inspired the book.

She continues: "While rummaging through the dusty shelves of a second-hand bookshop I came across an old paperback book based on what is recognised as being the first autobiography written in English, The Book of Margery Kempe, whose author was born and lived in King’s Lynn, my local town."

Looking into the lives of both women, Cosey recognised, she says, "a shared dogged determination to retain a sense of self within the societies of our time despite the challenges of being constantly undermined and pressured to accept our ‘place’, to play our ‘part’."

The book doesn’t currently have a title, but more information can be found on its focus via Cosey’s website. It’s set for release in spring 2022 and follows Cosey’s 2017 memoir, Art Sex Magic, which was also published by Faber and is currently being adapted into a film.

Read Cosey Fanni Tutti’s Baker’s Dozen, originally published early last year, here.

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