Cabaret Voltaire To Reissue Back Catalogue

Speaking to the Quietus recently, Richard H Kirk of influential Sheffield unit Cabaret Voltaire revealed that all of the band’s Virgin albums would be reissued next year via Mute.

Kirk was speaking to us for a feature about Johnny YesNo which will be published on the site next week when he started telling us his plans for the future.

When asked what the future held for the newly revived Cabs (which is now Kirk on his own) he said: "I’m working on things but I don’t have anything that fits that bill yet. The spark isn’t there yet. There’s got to be a very good idea.

"With Cabaret Voltaire the next thing to happen with that might be a film; it might not even be a piece of music. Of course if it’s a film it’s going to have music on it but it might not be an album is what I’m saying. It might be an art installation.

"Until I’ve got something that I’m very confident that will do the job so to speak it’s still very much up in the air. I’m not going to put something out just for the sake of it. Just to show people that it’s there again.

"Personally I think the whole Johnny YesNo is a good stop gap because it’s referencing the past but it’s also moving on to think about the future. So I’m happy that this is an important body of work, not blowing my own trumpet but it is a cool package.

"And the next thing we’re going to be doing with Mute is we’re going to be reissuing all the albums we made for Virgin. They’ll have a lot of extras and all that stuff. And that will follow on from JohnnyYesNo and hopefully that will lead on to something new.

"But as I’ve said before, I’m not going to be rushed into doing anything because I don’t want to besmirch the name as it were by just putting out a fucking techno record. Not that I’ve got a downer on techno! But I just don’t want to do something that’s throwaway… or maybe I should! I just don’t know yet. But believe you me it’s not something that I take lightly."

The albums getting the reissue treatment are The Crackdown, Micro-phonies, The Covenant, The Sword & The Arm Of The Lord and Code.

And here is a new teaser trailer for Johnny YesNo. To read our in depth interview with Richard H Kirk and Peter Care, visit the site on Monday.

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