Brett Anderson And Nadine Shah Share Mercury Rev Cover

Watch an exclusive excerpt from this weekend's GÅ´YL 2021 concert below

How about this for a meeting of tQ favourites? Nadine Shah has joined Suede’s Brett Anderson and the Paraorchestra to perform a cover of Mercury Rev’s ‘Holes’.

For the performance, which you can watch above, the pair are backed by a band including Adrian Utley, Seb Rochford and Charles Hazlewood as part of a special concert which will be broadcast this weekend as part of BBC Wales’ GÅ´YL 2021. The Paraorchestra is the world’s first large-scale integrated virtuoso ensemble of professional disabled and non-disabled musicians.

The programme is called The Death Songbook, and features the musicians covering songs by Echo & The Bunnymen, Skeeter Davis, Japan and Suede themselves. There’s also a channeling of Bowie’s cover of Jacques Brel’s ‘My Death’. We’re promised "an exquisite songbook featuring delicate new versions of songs about death; the death of love and of loss, and transcendence."

Said the Anderson of the duo’s cover, "This was such a joyous project to happen amidst the gloom of January. I’d loved Nadine’s work since I heard ‘Fool’ and she and I had spoken about doing something together for ages as had me and Charles who I had also greatly admired from afar.

"For this all to happen against the odds with those wonderful musicians from Paraorchestra, plus the talents of Adrian Utley and Seb Rochford, was just so lovely."

The full set will be broadcast online by BBC Cymru Wales between March 6 and 7 as part of GÅ´YL 2021.

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