A few years back, Blur played lager-soaked singalong gigs in Hyde Park that, apparently, were a lot of fun, if you like that sort of thing. This year, to mark the closing ceremony of the Olympics, Blur will return to the Park for a concert branded ‘Best Of British’. Perhaps their fans will attempt a new Olympic sport, first practiced at the Hyde Park concert in 2010, called Blindly Flung Bottle Of Piss Lager Lob – see training footage from first time around below. Also playing on the bill, advertised by the ‘knees ahhp mavva braaahn’, wacky-jingo ‘brill geezer, look what we’ve done, whacked Britannia on a fackin’ hippo mate!’ poster above, will be New Order and The Specials. Hopefully there will also be some groups announced who suggest that ‘Best Of British’ isn’t just something that happens in the past. Tickets for the event, which is part of a BT-sponsored ‘London Live’ jamwagon, are apparently free on a first come, first served basis, but the BT London Live website suggests you may be able to pay to reserve guaranteed entry.
Blur To Play Olympic Gig
Closing ceremony bash