ATP and Warp Films have put the call out for donations to help them complete a series of short films about the ATP Festival, shot at a number of different events, including Portishead’s Nightmare Before Christmas and their 10 Years Of ATP special. Shot by Vincent Moon, the footage needs editing, mixing and turning into the final product, which will then be given away for free.
The four films are:
From Smoke – Portishead’s Nightmare Before Christmas, narrated by Damo Suzuki.
From Hybrid – Explosions in the Sky’s ATP, narrated by Saul Williams.
The Melvins/Mike Patton curated Nightmare Before Christmas, narrated by Lydia Lunch
10 Years of All Tomorrow’s Parties festival, narrated by Josh Pearson.
There are also other, gift-based incentives to donate. Full details are available here.