Jeff Mangum ATP Rescheduled To Next March

All Tomorrow's Parties have announced that the Jeff Mangum curated ATP has been moved to March 2012

The Jeff Mangum curated edition of the All Tomorrow’s Parties, which was due to take place this December, has been postponed until March 2012, due to "unforeseen circumstances".

The event, which was due to feature the former Neutral Milk Hotel frontman alongside the likes of Boredoms and Low, has been moved to March 9th-11th.

In an announcement on their website, ATP have stated:

"We’re sorry to announce that due to a set of extremely unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances, this festival event is being postponed.

"We understand this will come as a shock and we sincerely apologise that we were not able to inform you before now – please know that we do not take this decision at all lightly. Having to reschedule an event like this is no small decision and we realise that many of you will be extremely disappointed, as are we. We try to put the community of ATP attendees first in every decision we make and hope that you will understand when we say that if the postponement was in any way avoidable, then we would not be rescheduling – disappointing the community that makes our events what they are is something we find very painful.

"For now, your tickets will be automatically transferred to the new dates in 2012. We are contacting all of the artists on the line-up and hope that many, if not all of them will be able to perform at the re-arranged weekend.

"If you won’t be able to attend the rescheduled dates, we sincerely apologise and can offer you a refund of your tickets – please contact the ticket agency you used if you would like to do so – see below for a list of those companies and contact info. We hope to see you at another ATP event soon. You will need to apply for your refund before the end of December.

"Our heartfelt apologies go out to any of you who had already made travel plans and we hope you’ll be able to reschedule or get a refund on any transport bookings without any loss."

ATP will announce the details of which artists will stay from the original line-up, and which new artists are added. The ATP London shows for The Magic Band and Superchunk are staying at their original dates. They’re still waiting on news about Jeff Mangum, Panda Bear, Olivia Tremor Control and Thurston Moore’s shows.

Any questions or enquiries should be directed to

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