WATCH: New Algiers Video

Group confirm debut album with Matador

Algiers are one of the most exciting guitar groups we’ve heard from America in recent times, eschewing the shuffling norm for an exciting, politically charged racket that takes inspiration from gospel, the vicious guitar playing of Rowland S. Howard and the pleasing rattle of the drum machine. The group, who are from Atlanta but are now spread across London and New York, have confirmed the release of their self-titled debut album via the Matador label on July 1st. They mark this news with the video for new single ‘Irony. Utility. Pretext.’, which you could watch above. It has a pleasingly Laibachian vibe to it, shot in the Buzludzha Monument, a gigantic and decaying communist edifice atop a peak in Bulgaria. Stark slogans such as "A nation regenerates itself only upon heaps of corpses" (a quotation from French revolutionary Louis Antoine de Saint-Just) flash up on top of footage of leftist decay and the band breakdancing. Tanz mit Algiers!

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