Our attention has been drawn to the Affordable Photography Emporium, a great new project set up by photographers to help sell prints at a price that isn’t prohibitively high. It’s based at their website, and allows you to select between a range of different options depending on how much you can afford to spend – from an unlimited edition, small size to other, more limited and bespoke editions.
The Emporium includes photographers from a wide range of disciplines – everything from landscapes and nature close-ups to portraits – but there’s a also a fair range of music photography on there, from Ami Barwell, Jamie Beeden and Pat Pope (who took iconic shots of the likes of Morrissey, Blur and Pulp), amongst others. And sometime Quietus photographer Cat Stevens is involved, with photos of the likes of Dirty Three, Joanna Newsom and Scout Niblett.
Find out more at the APE’s website.

Photos: Ian Brown by Ami Barwell, Joanna Newsom by Cat Stevens, Morrissey by Pat Pope, Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry by Jamie Beeden