A permanent red-top feature for over a decade, Katie Price (‘Jordan’ in old money) is the most identifiable British celebrity of our era, with the possible exception of the Beckhams and perhaps the royal family. Despite a track record as a media whipping-girl (she made No. 2 in The 100 Worst Britons We Love To Hate on Channel 4 in 2003) and years of incessant mockery for her antics as a glamour model and reality-show staple, Price has built a vast business empire (books, perfumes, clothing, TV, you name it) and is said to be worth £40m. That’s a lot more than you. Little wonder she’s on sprightly form when The Quietus meets her for a chat about her new single, ‘Free To Love Again’, recorded in the wake of her recent marriage to Hollyoaks alumnus Alex Reid – although some of our music is evidently not to her taste.
Kraftwerk – ‘The Model’

Spine-tingling electro classic that tells the tale of a champagne-guzzling pin-up who plays hard to get and smiles from time… to time.
Katie says: Never heard of them. This reminds me of ‘Don’t You Want Me’ by the Eurythmics. That was by the Human League? Ah, OK. It’s really like that though. What do I think of it? It’s boring. It’s all right.
Do you look back fondly on your modelling days?
KP: When I look back on my life, it’s gone like that [clicks fingers]. I respect everything I’ve done and I remember everything I’ve done, literally. You can’t plan your path. Things happen for reasons. I believe in fate.
Was it fun being a model? This song underlines the fact that the job can be rather empty.
KP: Hmm… I enjoyed modelling. It’s like a dance. You get used to doing it. The camera’s on and I switch it on. You can put me on a stage in front of millions and I could stand there, getting my kit off, doing my thing and not being nervous, because I’m used to doing it – but put me on stage singing, and it’s a different ball game, because I’m not used to it.
Burning Spear – ‘Jordan River’

Smouldering reggae anthem from the great Jamaican roots singer.
Katie says: This reminds me of sunshine, barbecues, beaches, garden parties… it’s easy listening.
Why did you adopt the name Jordan?
KP: I was never going to do Page Three, but somebody didn’t turn up for the job. I was in London for a casting, and my agent said that the girl hadn’t turned up and could I go along, but if I did I’d have to change my name. Back in the day they used to have a caption next to you saying ‘Jordan’s going cycling’ or something. I don’t think they do that any more.
But why choose Jordan in particular?
KP: Dunno. It was just a name that came up. That’s why I believe in fate, because from then, the next thing was Formula One – Eddie Jordan’s team.
Nancy Sinatra – ‘Good Time Girl’

Frank’s daughter warbles a forthright tale about the life and times of the society belle.
Katie says: Not into that one little bit.
Your social life was a prominent feature of the tabloid press in the 1990s…
KP: Yeah. I used to go out a lot more when I was younger, but people still seem to think that I drink a lot. I actually don’t at all.
Because you’re a mother now?
KP: Not only that, I just don’t: I never have done. But between the age of 17 and 23, I did nothing different to anyone else. Acting a twat. Getting in pictures. But so would most people. I wasn’t doing anything wrong and I don’t have any regrets.
Rage Against The Machine ‘Take The Power Back’

Amazing, fists-aloft paean to those languishing under the heel of authority.
Katie says: Not into it at all. I bet you lot are, aren’t you? [points at press officer] This is kind of festival music, I’ve never ever been to a festival in my life.
This song is about people fighting their oppressors. Do you have any political convictions?
KP: I’m not into politics.
You stood as an MP in Stretford in 2001.
KP: Oh, it was all a load of bollocks really. The interesting thing is, if I’d done it under my real name I probably would have won. It’s quite scary to know that.
Guns N’ Roses – ‘Welcome To The Jungle’
Axl Rose’s warning tale of arriving in LA from the sticks and being royally ripped off.

Katie says: This does nothing for me. There’s no soul – nothing. I like my soppy ballads, 80s, R&B. Luther Vandross, Anita Baker. George Benson, more soulful kind of stuff. Phil Collins. But I can’t stand the Bee Gees and I never liked M People. And I hate Abba. Isn’t that weird? I don’t like any of them, and they’re massive.
Was 2004’s I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here a pivotal point in your career?
KP: I would recommend it to anyone who gets a chance to do it. It makes you appreciate the luxuries that you have in life. Toilets. Things in the bathroom. The amount of food you eat and waste. I’m not high maintenance – well, as long as I get my nails done. I like camping and getting dirty, like in, what’s that film with Goldie Hawn? Private Ryan or something?
Private Benjamin.
KP: You know when she’s doing a 10-mile run and every mile there’s an obstacle course with mud or water? I love anything tomboyish like that.
How come you don’t like festivals then? They’re famous for being muddy.
KP: Never been. I think it’s the music. It’s normally quite rocky.
Peter Andre – ‘Mysterious Girl’

Price’s ex-chap’s first and only hit, remembered by many for his abdominal musculature in the accompanying video clip.
Katie says: Um… this just reminds me of Pete, really. It reminds me of screaming girls and everyone in a club singing and loving it. It’s like an old classic, isn’t it?
Are you still friends with your ex-husband?
KP: I don’t talk to him.
Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy – ‘Television, A Drug Of The Nation’

This classic hip-hop anthem pinpointed the rise of propaganda TV with terrible accuracy.
Katie says: I do prefer hip-hop to rock.
You’ve done a lot of TV. Do you look back on it and think it’s all equally good?
KP: I look at some of it and think, a lot of it was edited to one good cop, one bad cop. But when it’s my own show, which I have been doing, there’s no good cop or bad cop, it’s just about me and so it’s equal in my eyes. There’s no-one to play against. It’s me.
Girls Aloud – ‘No Good Advice’
This generation’s girl band, pretending to be rebellious.

Katie says: I think Girls Aloud are a good-looking band. I like some of their stuff. They’re all catchy, aren’t they, their tunes?
If you could go back 10 years and give yourself some advice, what would it be?
KP: I would say, don’t do Eurovision [Price competed to represent the UK in the 2005 contest, narrowly losing to Javine Hylton]. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever done.
Why so?
KP: I couldn’t sing the song now, I couldn’t sing it then. [Indicating assistant] Gary knows the nerves I went through… it was awful, wasn’t it? I was pregnant. I felt like I was used, actually. I feel that as soon as they found out I was pregnant, that Javine won by [a narrow margin], I mean how fixed is that? Still, that’s a long story. But that’s one regret. That’s it, I haven’t got any other regrets. It’s made me the person I am today.
Slayer – ‘Payback’

Very angry thrash metal from the Los Angeles legends.
Katie says: [after two seconds of music] Not for me! That is just noise. This music… I don’t know what it is. See, you’re tapping your foot, and I’m thinking, what are you tapping to? There’s no beat!
There is a beat, it’s just very fast.
KP: But where’s that beat? [Hears the word ‘motherfucker’ in the chorus] Motherfucker! Not my kind of lyrics. I can’t even understand what they’re saying. Noise.
[Price’s assistant, shocked] People buy that?
Yes, in their millions.
KP: But what do people… I couldn’t even get ready listening to that. What I mean is, some music you put on and you’re like, ‘Whoa, I like this’ but that? Nothing.
This song is about taking revenge on people. Are you vindicated by the fact that you have become wealthy and popular, despite the many criticisms you’ve faced?
KP: Success is the best revenge ever, and as I’m getting older it’s not important about proving, it’s more doing what I want to do and what I enjoy doing. That comes with age. I’m happy that I’ve got my kids and my horses and that I’m getting on with my life, I’m remarried and I’ve got to think ahead. Whatever happens happens, you’ve got to get on with it.
Does criticism get to you?
KP: No, I’m used to it. I think I’m unfairly judged, that’s all.
By whom?
KP: The media. They know the truth, they know what I’m like, they just don’t want to print the real stuff. That’s what bugs me. If they’re told something positive they won’t print it, they’re not interested. They want the negative, which I think is unfair. I think some of the things that people write are so vile, and I think ‘Oh my God, if only they really knew me, you wouldn’t even say half this stuff’ because people are so sucked into believing what they read. But because I’m in the industry it’s just one big game. If you’re in this industry you either like it or lump it, you put up with criticism and if you don’t like it, get out of it.
Do you take compliments seriously?
KP: I don’t even take anything on board. Whether it’s my books or my single, as long as I have fun promoting it and I have fun doing it and I do the best that I can, that’s all I can do. I’m gonna get judged with everything I do, so you’ve just got to get on with it.
Katie Price – ‘Free To Love Again’

Katie says: I only recorded this three or four weeks ago. A guy I knew a few years ago who I recorded some songs with, he saw me on I’m A Celebrity… and tried to get hold of me. He said ‘Look, Kate, I’ve really got a song to play for you, if you don’t like it fine, but listen to it’ so he played it for me in my car and it worked and I said ‘Yeah, I’ll give it a go and see how I sound on it’ and recorded it three weeks ago in my house and here I am three weeks later. I haven’t got a record company, it’s all digital. I’ve done it all back to front, because you’re really supposed to give yourself three months to get on the playlists at radio and blah blah blah, but even if I did people probably wouldn’t play it anyway. That’s what I mean about people, they like to have a little dig.
There must be some decent people in the media, surely?
KP: Oh of course there is, but I’m like a digging machine, so it’s cool. But I say bollocks to it. I’m enjoying promoting it and I like doing it, so if you like it you like it and if you don’t like it don’t listen to it. If you like it, download it. But I can’t be any more fairer than that, all I know is I’m going to have fun doing it.
‘Free To Love Again’ is available to download from iTunes. Info: www.katieprice.co.uk