Baker's Dozen

Artists discuss the 13 records that shaped their lives

1. Bo Diddley16 All Time Greatest Hits

I’m looking at it now. It’s a great record, came out on the Pye R&B label. It’s a white album with a number 16. Irene gave it to me on my seventeenth birthday. This was at the time that I was learning to play and getting into rhythm and blues, and there are just so many great songs on this album, I really got to love Bo Diddley through this. It’s really heavy, really thick vinyl and you put it on and it plays really loud. When I look at it I just remember the excitement of first discovering rhythm and blues music and Bo Diddley. I suppose Bo had quite an influence on me. And this record, it’s got all these associations – it makes me remember being a teenager. It felt so hip.

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