1. Pink FloydThe Dark Side Of The Moon

My sister was into that kind of music. She could afford records, I didn’t have a job or anything, I was a kid. That was one of the first albums I really heard, it wasn’t until later on that I began to really appreciate what an amazing record it is, sound-wise. I think it’s the best album ever made. It has changed for me over the years. I bought a really good stereo system, and suddenly I’m hearing this record like it’s meant to be heard. It blew me away. I know it’s not got pop songs or anything, but it’s just perfection, all the tracks are really exciting. I think it’s really out there somewhere. My best friend, every Saturday we’d go to the record shop and buy a single each. Then we’d go back to his house and argue all afternoon about who had the best taste. I was never afraid or ashamed of the things that I liked.