6. Kass RichardsThe Language Shadow
I’ve known Kass since living in Philadelphia, in 2009. I always knew her as an amazing singer and guitar player, but we weren’t super close. We didn’t really get close till I moved to Toronto, because we had other friends from Philly that lived up here. She had come to visit them and we hung out this one time and she was like, ‘I’m thinking about quitting my job and focusing on music,’ and I said ‘you should do it, 100 per cent. If that’s how you’re feeling, do it.’
She ended up joining U.S. Girls, and she toured the In A Poem Unlimited album. She was a big part of Heavy Light, and now she’s putting out her own records. She made music number one in her life. She flipped the script and the results are amazing. I love that record, ‘Dancing to Death’. It makes me feel a bit scared, even.