11. Brian Eno – Music For Films

A film soundtrack so good no film is deserving of it. I’ve been listening to this record for 20 years. Eno’s one of the forefathers of using the studio as an instrument. He gets credit for that, but actually maybe he reduced what pop music was – produced, studio pop music into its essence, to create this ambient music. He’s definitely someone who I fell in love with as I was getting into a lot of new approaches in music, all of his music I really love. Another Green World, Music For Films, Apollo – those are the ones I really took to. There is an odd parallel between this record and the Morricone record for me – because once you really get into this stuff, you think "What film would be worthy of this kind of music?". You can’t really imagine it. I don’t know how liberal he is about licensing his music, but I wonder if any film has dared to license this music– because that’s a tall order.