3. The Stranger

When I heard it, I thought it was one of the most beautiful things I’d ever heard, and I would play it at piano bar. (Having done stints at piano bars a lot in my life – since I was thirteen.) I did have the privilege of meeting him in Australia. I think it was probably in ’94, I went to his hotel room and presented him with an award. He was just a really nice guy. No airs and graces, nothing. It was just like, “Hey, how’s it going, come on in!” Like “Hey, hi, I’ve been playing your songs since I can remember!” It’s just funny sometimes that you meet people that you’ve been playing their music your whole life, then you meet them and think, maybe I shouldn’t have met this person. Maybe it would have been better to just stick with their music! But he’s just not one of those people, he’s just really kind of laid back and just, a charming, nice fella.