12. Dead Can DanceSpleen And Ideal

This was also a band that Martin and I worshipped. Dead Can Dance was a refinement of my original taste for classical music, mixing it with modern pop or rock music . At the time this album came out we had already formed Celtic Frost, and even though we had already worked with the classical instruments on our first album, when we heard Spleen And Ideal it simply confirmed that it was possible to combine modern music with classical music from centuries earlier, and the confirmation of this concept made us much more bold, so we started expanding on that in 1985 for To Mega Therion and then of course extremely so on Into The Pandemonium. That has a lot to do with Dead Can Dance. And I love every single album of Dead Can Dance, up to their last tour, which I was fortunate to see three years ago. It was one of the best concerts I’ve ever seen, even all these years after their prime they were still amazing. Spleen And Ideal is one of the most important albums for me. They opened up my mind as a songwriter as well as poetically, they were beautiful and limitless but at the same time there was a kind of darkness about it – there are so many levels to their music.