13. Kool KeithSex Style

We were playing a show in Denmark and we just missed seeing him. Someone at the venue said, “He walked that way, with a spliff in his hand surrounded by girls.” I mean, we literally just missed him. The lovely thing about this album is every single track says something and is musically great. When I worked with Dan the Automator in 1996 on Clinton he gave me a cassette of stuff that he’d done with him and it was the same sort of music but with different lyrics. I took that cassette to India when I went there and I was walking round a tiny village in the Punjab listening to that music on my headphones. I believe it was when he was living in California and it reflects that kind of vibe. It’s pretty damn X-rated. If he was a Punjabi and he was living in the 1980s he could have got killed for releasing this album. But what a voice. Musically I don’t think he’s always kept on top of things because he’s worked with so many different producers but lyrically he’s stayed excellent. I listen to Ultramaganetic MCs a lot as well.