Baker's Dozen

Artists discuss the 13 records that shaped their lives

4. The Mothers of Invention – Uncle Meat

I love Frank Zappa. I love his interviews, I love the way he thinks about music. When I was living in America, I heard ‘Valley Girl’, and I thought it was very funny. It’s Zappa’s daughter, doing an impression of a valley girl, and it turned out to be a hit – that was my first introduction to him. There’s another LA song called ‘Flakes’, on the album Sheik Yerbouti, and there’s a whole section where he does a Bob Dylan impersonation. [Laughs] I love all the voices, all the crazy, zany cartoon voices, that come with having so many fun guys in the band. I took a leaf out of their book and used a helium balloon on a track on my latest record, that was fun. I think people need to let themselves go and do a funny voice here and there, and Zappa’s albums are full of that.

I’ve only really got into Uncle Meat lately, although I’ve had it a long time. I’ve got two copies, one at The Charlatans’ studio and one at home – I know it’s a bit over the top, but I think to have a favourite record twice is an ok thing. There’s certainly easier-listening Frank Zappa, but I love the way that this record in particular…some of it’s live, some of it is…I dunno, conversational. I love the sound of the keyboards. This is an inspirational record – the musicianship is incredible. It’s far-out.

I also find with this album that I can put it on and do other things – be on the computer, or tidy up, or whatever. I don’t know if that’s sacrilegious, but you know. I think you can listen to records in any way that you want.

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