7. Underworld1992-2002

With the compilation albums, I am cheating. It meant I didn’t know which album to choose. I sometimes DJ. When I DJ, I use a system to take people into an ecstatic trance through music. I might start with Brian Eno and some ambient music and then move to other genres. I might use classical music or Indian music. But, invariably, when I get to the third rhythm of trance and when I really want to take people into that state, I am almost forced to go to Underworld again and again.
Underworld brought together song and dance in a way that I have not heard anyone match. The Chemical Brothers are great and New Order are obviously great, but Underworld take me to a tribal edge that is so ferocious and yet, simultaneously, so intelligent. ‘Rez’ is one of my favourite songs – even though that is not one of their most tribal. ‘Moaner’ and ‘Born Slippy’ are their more tribal tunes. I find their textures and landscapes and vocals – which don’t get in the way and help you lose yourself when you are dancing – make Underworld difficult to surpass.
I was so proud of them when they got to do the Olympics in 2012. I felt that was their due. I contacted them before the Olympics and had a lovely communication with them. I told them that I thought they were the most revolutionary and iconoclastic band of the last 20 years. Then, about a year later, Danny Boyle used them during the opening ceremony.
I saw them play recently at the Hollywood Bowl and I danced so much that I badly twisted my ankle and couldn’t walk for about two weeks. It was still worth it. Dancing injuries are to be worn like medals of honour.