12. Arthur VerocaiArthur Verocai

Arthur Verocai is interesting. I think that this record came to it came to America at a certain time; a lot of the vinyl doesn’t make it around the world from Brazil, and it makes them even more precious because it can be some grand work that may never have seen the light of day. I think this was one of those moments where somebody was like ‘this album has to be heard’, they pressed it up and made it a point to bring it over to America.
The record sounds very much like I can understand what is happening and what is being said, even musically, something about it is bigger than the part where it’s in Portuguese. I listened to it relentlessly, I would listen to it back to back to back for years. I still do listen to it that much, and every time I do it feels brand new. I think that this is something that inspired me throughout the years to make music the way that I make music.
Arthur Verocai’s pretty old now, but every once in a while he comes over to the States and does something special. I think he was brought over to the states for the first time a few years ago, and I was out of town and I’m so sad I missed it. I would have loved nothing more than to get a chance to see Arthur Verocai play live, but sometimes that’s how life works.