12. Talk TalkSpirit Of Eden

I can’t exactly remember the first time I heard this or how I discovered it but it was one of those I would always find a copy of in the record exchange or charity shops. It was one of those records I thought I had already heard a lot, but I didn’t own it and again, it’s a record for me that provides a soundtrack to certain long, dark nights of the soul that then opened up to feel like something much more positive when I came at it from a different angle. It’s their most emotional and spirituality resonant album.
I was listening to it the other night, driving back from one of the tour dates and just feeling completely engulfed and wrapped in this beautiful soundscape. I think that’s what I love about Mark Hollis’ work, just its ability to emotionally shapeshift just depending on where your own headspace is at. I find it an immensely healing record and one that is full of power and possibility. I was listening to it a lot when I was making The Art Of Losing, and I think it definitely informed my approach to the segues and the soundscapes that are the really the spine of that record and inter-weave between the more traditional songs.