11. Johnny CashThe Legend Of Johnny Cash

This collection spans his entire career. I think it is important to take a look at his whole output as he is so brilliant. It is a journey from beginning to end. The reason I love him so much is that, in my opinion, there is no bigger bad ass than Johnny Cash. Seriously – no one. There was no other artist that was more ‘fuck you’ than Johnny Cash. He is knife-blade terrifying and amazing. His vocals are singular – there is no mistaking if you are listening to Johnny Cash or not. He sends my heart a-flutter. He does everything for me. When I was a young girl I first heard his songs, and have listened to him my entire life. I never heard a cover version surpass the original more than ‘Hurt’ surpassed the original Trent Reznor version. It is a brilliant song, and it was a brilliant song originally, but Johnny Cash turned it into something magical.