11. Lisa HanniganPassenger

I first heard ‘Little Bird’ on a local college radio station, and I looked her up the second I got home, and from that point I became a comprehensive Hannigan listener. The songs on this album are just beautiful, and the sound of her voice, just… I can’t get enough of it. My youngest daughter was probably about four or five when this came out, and I would sing ‘Little Bird’ to her, and I would sing ‘O Sleep’ to her. Which is an apt lullaby. I’ve never seen her live, I’m sorry to say, but my daughters and I fell down a Hannigan YouTube hole one day, just hours of watching her. The words in ‘Little Bird’ are some of the most beautiful lyrics I’ve ever heard; just gorgeous, and smart. It’s kind of a rare situation where if you bought this as a book of poetry it would be just as moving, and the fact that she has this lush gorgeous voice that she wraps around these words is just kind of bonus.