
Graham Reynolds – A Scanner Darkly OST
The reason I had this on the list was that it was one of those films I experienced under, not strange circumstances exactly, but perhaps an unusual one. I went to see a preview of it before it came out and I watched it at about 10:30 in the morning, which I always think is a really good time. I’ve seen quite a few film previews at 10.30 in the morning, Apocalypse Now being one of them. It was just a film that I found interesting. Obviously, Linklater explaining the process of how the film was made, the actors that were in it was interesting, and it just had a weird vibe about it. The soundtrack was like a strange comfort bath that fitted the whole process of how the film was done. It’s not as if it’s a particularly earth-shattering soundtrack but it felt like it put a kind of LA glow around the film, this weird kind of cocktail type music, so it worked really well for me. I can’t really tell you much about Graham Reynolds and the Golden Arm Trio, apart from I did spot that they had someone in the band who was called ‘the Butcher’, which I thought was quite good. Other than that, it was just a film where the soundtrack embellished that strange feeling I had, watching this surreal film at that odd time of the morning.