2. Fleetwood Mac – Tango In The Night

So I would have been eight, and funnily enough this is the other side of the coin, the album that reminds me of my dad. Fleetwood Mac are one of the bands he introduced me to, obviously Rumours is brilliant but this one really made an impression. I went to see Fleetwood Mac a couple of years ago when they played the o2 and they were absolutely brilliant, it just sounded phenomenal – their use of harmony made a real impression on me, and there’s been more than one time where in the studio I’ve said ‘let’s do some Fleetwood Mac style backing vocals’. They’re really percussive and layered. They’re one of those bands too where whatever age they’ve been, you can find the meaning in their songs to suit where they’re at. Even when they were young in their 20s and writing incredible songs about falling in love with each other, it’s not like it’s dated. Those songs move with them.