13. Various ArtistsGuys & Dolls

To be perfectly honest, I could have done way more soundtracks – Mary Poppins, The Sound Of Music, Grease. This is my favourite musical though, I did a production of it at school, and that meant that the girls’ school I was at got to be in a production with the boys’ school, rather than just the tallest girl in the year playing a boy – which is what usually happened. So many great songs and it’s got real bounce, it’s got comedy, it’s a really good story. I haven’t tried Guys And Dolls on the kids, you have to pick your moments – Wizard Of Oz we’ve done, and they really liked that, where Grease was a bit more of a challenge. The Sound Of Music, Mary Poppins, I’ve done those. Rocky Horror Picture Show is next on my list for them, though I haven’t picked my moment yet. They don’t mind a musical but they don’t quite share their mother’s passion on that, which is fine!