6. BjorkPost

I’m longtime fan of Björk’s and ‘Army Of Me’ is one of my favorite tracks. She continues to be a very inspiring artist in the way she works. There was a Southbank Show on her years ago, and I’m not sure whether it was around this album or whether it was around Homogenic, but it was brilliant. It was only like one hour and it was when she was writing and recording. I remember at one point she was walking along the beach with an OP-1 portable synthesizer and bouncing ideas.
She’s another one of these women that I deeply admire. I like the way she does something different with each record. I suppose it’s similar with Bat For Lashes; she does something different with each record. Björk is continuously evolving as an artist and again, with her, it’s the whole theatre of her performance as well, which I find really interesting.