3. Jadu HeartDerealised

I don’t know how I stumbled upon them, but I think I heard them played on BBC 6 Music, and I thought, oh, this is amazing! So then I duly looked them up on Instagram and then got the album. I just loved it. And it really accompanied me. I’d say it’s one of my albums of this year. They’re not even a new band because they’ve been going for years. I had not heard of them previously and I think this is their third album. It’s obviously got shoegazey-type elements, but I love the way they’ve blended their vocals a bit higher in the mix than the way we do things. I think it’s got really good songwriting on there.
I tend to go out for daily walks – I live in another small village these days in Devon, which nice and peaceful – and this was like soundtrack to a lot of my walking earlier on this year.