11. Agent X

When it come out now this was one of the first dubplates that had my name in. Agent X was on Rinse back in like 97 or so. I’d met him on there before he was even making grime. His name was Junior Dangerous then. Then years later he and his mate Leon made ‘Decoy’. They made loads of 4/4 bangers after that. That was a major tune. In fact it was one of my first intro dubs that I started off with. I actually heard him make it as I went to that record shop, Planet Phat on the Caledonian Road, where he worked. He played me the tune on CD and I was like, ‘Oh my God, I need this tune, man.’ Only me and EZ had it so that was pretty exclusive. Playing it first at Sidewinder was like… mate, that was three wheel-ups in the dance. Just a wicked intro too. Having a dubplate with my name in it that was special that one. That was an instant buzz. When people heard that tune they knew what time it was. Straight dubplate business.