8. Cocteau TwinsHead Over Heels

When I heard Elizabeth Fraser for the first time, first of all I was so excited that they were based in Scotland and hearing her sing felt like I was in touch with alien life [laughs]. I heard it and I didn’t even understand what she was saying but I could feel what she’s saying. It was so emotive and so extraordinary.
I felt like every time I listened – and I still have the same reaction – when I listen to these records I feel like I’m literally being transported in angel wings. I find it euphoric to listen to and nobody’s ever sounded like her before. She’s totally unique and just this extraordinary talent. Funnily enough, I once met her at a Nick Cave concert in Edinburgh. She was there and I was just so in awe of this incredible woman – I also loved that she was so shy and so unassuming. She wasn’t really a front person, more of an instrument using her voice. I’m not a religious person, but I always think it’s like music from the Gods. It’s not of this world. I want them played at my funeral. I always say that to my husband: ‘Play the Cocteau Twins all the way through my funeral, that’s all I want’ [laughs].